5 Gig based Websites like Fiverr and SEOClerks to Search Micro Freelance Jobs Online.
Find Freelancing Work Opportunities on 10 of the Best Gig Based Freelance Websites, like fiverr.com
Gig-based freelance websites provides amazing online work opportunities to anyone who is interested in earning online via selling small level freelance services, items.
Perhaps you desire to earn part time, make a long term based online career, get small projects or assignments for your small company or business.
May be you want to avoid pressure from your bosses by participating in flexible alternative online work industry. Or maybe you simply need to work part time in your retirement or free time.
If that is the case, gig freelance sites are the best for you. Freelancing websites like Fiverr are used by small online companies, Internet marketers, SEO consultants for fulfilling their job requirements in various fields like, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) , content writing, data entry, form filling, designing, web development.
The platforms mentioned here are among the top 10 best websites for Gig-based freelance jobs.
Fiverr-Best Website for Micro Freelance Gigs |
Fiverr is the most popular gig based website and it is contrasted by their quality and rules and this thing makes it different from the herd. Fiverr is truly a trendsetter in the herd of micro job sites on the Internet. It got a new avatar recently.And they had to! The Reason?
Simply because, after the success of Fiverr, there started a craze of starting a site like Fiverr and the result was the creation of hundreds of cloned and lookalike sites started appearing on the net.
As a seller or freelancing service provider on Fiverr you have three types of Gigs at your disposal-
- Gig Extras
- Gig Multiples
- Extra Fast delivery
Sell anything in $5 on Fiverr.com
Here are details about 5 of the leading freelance websites that have assignments and projects in the form of small gigs :-
5 Gig based Micro Job Sites apart from Fiverr
As the name suggests Freelancers have to list every gig in $4 @ Fourerr. As you can see, a person needs not worry about being left out since all interests are well taken care off.
If you thought fiverr.com is cool, try this site before making any conclusion. They have more than 29K active freelance members and 43K micro jobs listed on it!
As the name suggests, SEOClerks is meant for gigs that relates to SEO, internet marketing and similar web services. Most individuals love this site because it offers the greatest range of rewards.
That is to say, a freelancer can ask for something between $1 and $999 depending on the complexity of the task. If you are a webmaster, you will definitely like this website because it is where you will employ practicability of your skills.
Describing everything here is not possible. Just visit the website and explore the goodies that it has for you. You will never get disappointed.
Persons who have used other sites that offer web-related services have always given amazing opinions and reviews about this website. It is a user friendly website and its customer care services are reputable.
To wrap up the top 5 Gig based sites list, TenBux.com should be mentioned too. It shares a similar interface to that of the older fiverr.com.
That is to say, its interface is easy to use and simple thus facilitating an easy navigation especially by newbies.
It has almost the same categories as those of fiverr.com. The only difference that stands out is that unlike fiverr, TenBux allows $10 per gig, which is twice that of fiverr. The commission rates are similar to that of fiverr.
Therefore, out of the $10, the freelancer gets $8 since $2 is deducted as commission. TenBux.com is a great website for freelancers that desire to excel in their freelance careers since it offers an opportunity to expose ones skills.
GigBucks is another award-winning gig site. It ranks a very popular alternative to Fiverr. In this site, a person can be sure to find gigs of all categories just like those found on fiverr.com.
The site gives freelancers a chance to charge reasonable amounts for the services that they render. Freelancers are at liberty to change anything between $5 and $50.
Another amazing feature that everyone will adore about this gig site is that joining it is free and surprisingly, a person has the freedom to post as many gigs as he/she likes.
This website is very similar to fiverr in that their interfaces are similar. Their services are also very similar as a person can find features such as;
It also has an unbeatable customer service that responds to customer issues and queries in less than 12 hours. Individuals who have tried this site have never been disappointed.
5 More Micro Job Sites that are based on Gigs-
- http://IMGiGz.com
- http://www.tenrr.com/signup
- http://www.ffiver.com/
- http://i-will-do.com/
- http://www.fivesquids.co.uk/
Note- I also wanted to mention Zeerk.com as it also gets a lot of attention when we talk about Gig based sites. In fact, no commissions are charged for small jobs e.g. $2 or $5 tasks. BUT, the site is not operational for the last two days when i started writing this post and had to exclude it from the list of the Gig sites like Fiverr. (though, you may check it if it’s live now. And, you can please mention in the comments and i will update this in the post.)
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Do you have any experience working on these gig based websites as an employer or employee? How was your experience? which one do you find the best among all the above?? Please share your views and opinion- thanks!
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